Rob Roy's gravesite is located in Balquhidder, Scotland

Meet the Clan
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MacGregors around the world
The Clan Gregor has a rich and diverse footprint on every continent...

It was over 20 years ago when the Chairman of the Clan Gregor Society, Professor Richard McGregor, first proposed the idea of Overseas Representatives to Council in order to extend both Council meeting attendance and representation of our Clan Gregor constituency.
The Clan Gregor Society has established posts in numerous international regions to best represent all our overseas members.
It is now possible for chapter members to participate via Zoom or Skype participation regardless of location in our annual AGM, as well as socialize with members far and wide.

Clan Gregor regions
North America and Canada
Australia - New Zealand (ANZ)

Clan Gregor

Contact Details
Email enquiries@clangregor.com
Facebook clangregoreurope
Instagram #clangregoreurope
With Scotland being the birthplace of Clan Gregor and the epicentre of most of its history, UK members are fortunate to have all the clan sites – the castles, lands, battlefields – literally on their doorstep. This makes taking part in events, where they actually happened, so special. It’s an absolute privilege to be able to visit Edinburgh and to picture the MacGregors leading Prince Charles Edward Stuart into the city after the battle of Prestonpans or to visit Loch Katrine, the scene of Rob Roy’s childhood, for example.
This is why we have such memorable gatherings in the UK and why our overseas members love coming to Scotland for our International Gatherings so much. Our association with AHCS (the Association of Highland Clans and Societies) is also a great benefit. Other AHCS clans come to the Highland Games in Lochearnhead, we go to their Games and the publicity gained from participating at communal events such as the Battle of Glenshiel Commemoration gives a major boost to Clan Gregor and to Scottish tourism.
Our substantial membership base gives the Clan Gregor Society the ability to preserve the traditions, articles and buildings associated with the clan and to provide our various, charitable, awards. The UK is a terrific place to be for Clan Gregor Society members.

There are currently four chapters in the United States serving different regions of the country, as well as a Toronto area chapter serving Canada. These chapters include the Southeast chapter (SEUS), the Great Lakes chapter (GLC), the Western USA chapter (WUSA), the Pacific Northwest chapter (PNW), and the Canadian chapter (CGSCC).
All Chapters are represented on the Society Council by Keith MacGregor, our North American Representative.

Clan Gregor
Contact Details
Email usa@clangregor.com
Facebook clangregorusa
Instagram #clangregorusa
Clan Gregor
Contact Details
Email canada@clangregor.com
Facebook clangregorusa
Instagram #clangregorusa

Canada has the highest percentage of people of Scottish decent of any nation in the world outside of Scotland itself. The Clan Gregor Society Canada Chapter is alive and well. Established by the Society's Council in 2012, our Chapter has realised steady and meaningful growth. Today we have over 70 members and are active and well represented in widespread celebrations of Canada’s Scottish roots.

A little research reveals that MacGregors have figured prominently in Canadian history. John McGregor became one of the first permanent residents in Canada in 1773 when the Hector landed in Nova Scotia. With such a rich and proud heritage, our Chapter works to bring together MacGregors within the ties of this great Commonwealth nation. We are dedicated to learning our history and better understanding our past. We look for opportunities to take the unique history and heritage of Clan Gregor to new generations with fresh insights and approaches.
We Children of the Mist are stepping out of the shrouds of Canadian history and working today to bring together MacGregors of that ilk.
Clan Gregor

The Society is well represented in Australia and New Zealand with an active and growing membership base in both countries.
Because Australia and New Zealand have a high Scottish demographic, Highland Gatherings and Scottish themed events are popular in every state of Australia and both the islands of New Zealand.
This gives the Clan Gregor Society ample opportunity to set up ourClan Tent throughout both regions as it proves to be our most popular and successful way of interacting with our members and recruiting new members.
Because of the sheer size of Australia, it is impossible for the Official Clan Representative to attend gatherings in every state. It is the ambition for Clan Gregor Australia to have an official representative in every state and so far, we have been successful in having representatives in New South Wales, Victoria Tasmania and Queensland.
New Zealand has been successful in finding a representative for both the North and South Island to assist the Official Representative Mr Iain Stockwell. Another bonus for the Society is having Clan Gregor Pipers in most states, in particular NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.
Clan Gregor Australasia welcomes new members so for particulars about joining the Society please either join via this website, or write directly to the Overseas Representative of the Clan Gregor Society, Frank McGregor at australia@clangregor.com or go to our website: www.clangregor.com
In the words of Sir Walter Scott: ‘While there’s leaves in the forest and foam on the river, MacGregor despite them shall flourish forever!’
Contact Details
Email australia@clangregor.com
Facebook clangregoranz
Instagram #clangregoranz

The Clan Gregor Society SCIO [Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation] is the third oldest Scottish clan society.
It was proposed and founded in December 1822 with the express purpose, at that time, of supporting deserving young boys of the clan. For many years now the Society’s Objects have been expanded to include all people, no matter what their situation, but also to include the support and preservation of the clan’s heritage in Scotland and beyond. The Society engages in historical, genealogical and archaeological research within Scotland for the benefit of members at home and overseas. The Society also offers scholarships for individuals engaged in Higher Education.
The Society is administered by a Council of volunteers, with a President and Vice President elected every three years, and a Chairman and Vice Chairman elected from the Council members annually. The Council normally meets four times annually between AGMs. The Clan Chief is the patron of the Society. There are Chapters or branches of the Society in North America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and Germany.